Saturday, December 21, 2013

Thoughts on a Dying Year

It's Winter Solstice and there are ten more days in 2013. The year is passing swiftly, soon the New Year of 2014 will make its appearance. Most people will be celebrating and making resolutions. I won't be celebrating because I don't celebrate a New Year until March 21, which is Naw-Ruz.

What I will be doing in January, February, and most of March is deciding on the goals I want to make on March 21. It's been a tough year and I need to focus on spiritual and financial matters. This means I have to get all my debts together, figure out a way to pay them off, and find a part time job to increase my income. I have to set a fixed amount for contributions, I have to decide on the scripture book or rather books I want to read, and I have to come to a firm decision on my daily word count goal.

This is a lot to do in only 2 1/2 months, but I have to do it because I have to stop drifting. Drifting maybe an overstatement, but I feel that for the last several months I've been float in an ocean, pushed by the currents or the winds. I'm  tired of the feeling and I need to focus on what I want to do with the rest of my life, which is an odd thing to write at 66 almost 67.

Right now, the only thing I really want to do is write, but that could change over the next few weeks. I expect to move into a new place soon. A place that  is smaller, easier to take care of, and cheaper to live in. This will give me more money to work with during the coming months.

An old year is dying,
a New Year is being born,
it's time for a change
in attitude.

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