Haibun-Haiku: Late Saturday afternoon in Las Vegas
sunset transform clouds
the gray afternoon becomes
a fiery evening
All afternoon the clouds were light gray, gray, or whitish-gray. Sunset has transformed them into orange fire. I look out my living room window and watch the orange deepen to reddish-orange as the sunset.
All day the temperature has been cool. When I went outside, I had to wear a long sleeved dress to keep my arms warm. Even in the house, it felt chilly, but the indoor temperature remained at 72 degrees without the heat coming on. The heat has just come on, so it is getting cooler.
scarlet evening clouds
precede the long desert night
colder temperatures
the gray afternoon becomes
a fiery evening
All afternoon the clouds were light gray, gray, or whitish-gray. Sunset has transformed them into orange fire. I look out my living room window and watch the orange deepen to reddish-orange as the sunset.
All day the temperature has been cool. When I went outside, I had to wear a long sleeved dress to keep my arms warm. Even in the house, it felt chilly, but the indoor temperature remained at 72 degrees without the heat coming on. The heat has just come on, so it is getting cooler.
scarlet evening clouds
precede the long desert night
colder temperatures

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