Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Midweek Reflections on my Landline

The telephone connected to the landline ring yesterday afternoon. Mom heard it and let me know the phone was ringing. I just smiled and let it ring because that phone is located in the breakfast room next to the coffee maker. I do not answer the phone to the landline unless I am in the breakfast room. I do not rush to answer the phone because I have voice mail and if it is important the person will leave a message.

Most of the time people leave messages whether the phone call is important or not. Lately most of the phone calls are unimportant, at least to me. Lately 99% of the calls coming in on the landline are political and prerecorded messages. Since I can pick up my voice mail online I very seldom use the landline.

The only reason I have the landline is in case of an emergency. I use my cell phone when I make call and most of the time I answer the cell phone, so the only reason for me to have a landline is for an emergency. The landline is part of the bundle and if I could get a cell phone as part of the bundle, I probably would drop the landline.

I can understand why Mom suggested I answer the phone last night. When she was growing up there was no voice mail, so if a person wanted to know who was calling then one answered the phone. It did not matter whether a person was busy or not one answered the phone, but now with voice mail it is not necessary to answer the phone right away.

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