Haibun-Haiku: Autumn rain in Las Vegas
thunder and lightning
the patter splat of raindrops
dark clouds hide the stars
It began raining last night somewhere around 8:00 or 8:30 PM. I watched the lightning illuminate the charcoal clouds. I listened to the thunder accompanying the splat patter of raindrops on falling onto the cement of my driveway. The sound of the rain and the thunder lulled me to sleep. I enjoy going to sleep with the sound of rain falling onto cement or hitting the metal roof of the enclosed patio. This morning the clouds are hiding the blue sky and the sun. In addition, there is a chill in the air from the autumn rain.
the patter splat of raindrops
dark clouds hide the stars
It began raining last night somewhere around 8:00 or 8:30 PM. I watched the lightning illuminate the charcoal clouds. I listened to the thunder accompanying the splat patter of raindrops on falling onto the cement of my driveway. The sound of the rain and the thunder lulled me to sleep. I enjoy going to sleep with the sound of rain falling onto cement or hitting the metal roof of the enclosed patio. This morning the clouds are hiding the blue sky and the sun. In addition, there is a chill in the air from the autumn rain.

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