Life a free-for-all
Daily Writing Practice Prompt for Sunday, July 26, 2009: “A free-for-all”
We are born into a chaotic situation wondering what's going on in the world around us. We spend the first twenty-five years attempting to figure it out. We spend the next twenty-five years thinking we have the answer to the question. About age fifty, a person realizes that he or she had it all wrong, that the conclusion one jumped to concerning what life is all about are mostly wrong. So we spend another twenty-five years attempting to answer the question again.
Somewhere around seventy-five, we begin to realize that we asked the wrong question. Instead of asking, "What is life all about?" we should have ask "What is my purpose?" The important information is why we were born on a specific planet at a specific time in its history. Once a person realize his or her purpose, then life is no long a free-for-all; no longer a chaotic situation.
Labels: writing practice, Writing prompts

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