The Ultimate IZEA Fun Pack Contest
To enter the
Ultimate IZEAFest Prize Pack Contest create a 60 video answering one of these questions: (1) "Why do I Want to Hang with BenSpark at IZEAFest 2009?” (2) "How will IZEAFest 2009 Change My Life?”" or (3) "What Am I Most Looking Forward to at IZEAFEst 2009?” You also need to create a post and embed the video in the post, so click on the link to the contest. The winners will be Tuesday, August 11, and announced on Monday, August 17.
The Ultimate Prize Pack includes a pass to the kick off party at Bush Gardens on October 1 and Blogger Takeover day at SeaWorld on October 4. In addition, there is a Runner up prize, so enter for that as well. Click on the contest page now and check it out.

The Ultimate Prize Pack includes a pass to the kick off party at Bush Gardens on October 1 and Blogger Takeover day at SeaWorld on October 4. In addition, there is a Runner up prize, so enter for that as well. Click on the contest page now and check it out.

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