Monday, March 30, 2009

Life’s Little Mysteries

A writer's daily life is full of little mysteries that appear to have no solution. I have about three mysteries that I could use as the basis to a fantasy or science fiction story. I don't think these puzzles would make good novels or short stories, but they would make good flash fiction stories. These mysteries are

  1. What happened to all my spoons? I still have several full sets of knives and forks, but only half-a-dozen mismatched spoons. The logical explanation, of course, we inadvertently threw away, but if that was the case then why do we still have the knives and forks to the sets.
  2. What happened to all my socks? I have about a dozen mismatched pairs of socks, which I can't wear any place except at home. The logical explanations are lost in the washing machine, in the wrong dresser drawer or under a piece of furniture, but those explanations raise other questions.
  3. Why can't I get all the laundry done in one day? My mother and myself are the only two people in this house, but we have to do laundry every day to stay even with the never ending pile. My grandmother did laundry for seven people once a week and we had enough cloths to last us all seven days, while changing cloths several times a day. However, if I let the laundry go a single day then it takes me a week to catch up.

These are only a few of the little mysteries I've noticed the past year or so. Maybe now that I'm 62 they just seem more puzzling. I don't know what the explanations to these mysteries are, I just know that I would like them solved. Therefore, I'm going to write a flash fiction story about each one. The stories may not solve the mystery, but at least I'm using the mysteries creatively and constructively.

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