Friday, January 23, 2009

The mystery of the missing Spoons

I want to know what happened to all our spoons. Mom and I used to have two complete sets of flat ware. Now all we have is knives and forks, with a few mismatched spoons. We are missing both teaspoons and tablespoons, but we have fewer teaspoons then tablespoons.

All right, the logical explanation is that someone inadvertently threw into the trash, which is probably what happened. However, a logical explanation doesn't make a very good story. I am looking for a plot to a story about spoons. A story where the spoons get thrown into the trash is boring and not a good story.

Therefore, rejecting the logical explanation what are some other good explanations for the missing spoons? I suppose it depends on the genre of story. In fantasy stories elves, gnomes or some other fantasy creature could steal the spoons, but why would they take only spoons and leave both the knives and forks behind.

If it is a science fiction story, you replace the elves and gnomes with aliens from another planet or star system. However, we have the problem of motive of why they only take spoons. Those are intriguing speculations for a writer of fantasy and science fiction.

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