Saturday, December 08, 2007

I Miss the Winter Constellations

16 Qawl 164 B.E. - Saturday, December 8, 2007 about 11:34 AM PST

Daily Writing Practice Prompt - Write about Winter Constellations.

I miss the winter constellations of my childhood. Growing up in Oklahoma I could go out in my grandparents front yard on a December night and see the stars. I never did learn the names of the constellations, when I went to collage I took an astronomy course. I could never associate the constellations in the sky with the way the charts revealed them.

The only constellations I ever learned to identify was the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. The rest were just a group of stars shining on a December night. Not being able to identify the winter constellations doesn't make me miss them any the less. The light pollution in and around Las Vegas prevents me from seeing the stars. Sometimes I can see Venus, but seeing the stars is a different story.

Even when I go out in my front yard and look straight up, I never see the Big Dipper or the Little Dipper. I see Venus and sometimes one of the other planets, but never the stars. I'd really love to get far enough outside the city so that I could see the stars, but with gas prices the way they are and my car needing some work it'll be a long time before I can drive that far out of Las Vegas.

Winter Constellations shine
in my childhood's black velvet sky.

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