Tuesday, December 30, 2014

To Make or Not To Make New Year's Writing Resolutions

There are two theories about New Year's resolutions. One is that they help an individual improve their health, skills, or make their lives more fulfilling in some way. The other is that making New Year's resolutions is just sitting one's self up for failure. The idea when making resolutions is to make them broad enough or high enough to push yourself beyond your limitations while creating a step-by-step plan to accomplish them by the end of the year.

I have ask myself the question: "Should I make New Year's resolutions for 2015?" If I do, then what resolutions should I make. I know one thing I need to do in 2015 is to follow my low phosphorus, low potassium, low protein diet a bit closer. I also need to improve my writing skills because I have grammar issues, which I do not  catch when I make a mistake.

I have two New Year's resolutions right there. A third resolution is to finish editing one novel and finish writing another so that I can edit it. I now have four resolutions and I am not sure I can accomplish those three things in 2015. As a member of writing.com, I can request reviews and ask that the reviewer's focus on the grammar issues. I may find out that I do not have as big a problem with grammar as I think I do.

I have other things that I want to do in 2015. I could make those resolutions as well, but I do not want to work on too many things at once because I will scatter my energy without accomplishing anything. Perhaps the best solution is to make two or three concrete resolution goals and then put the other things on a list and work on those when I accomplish one or more of my 2015 goals.

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