Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Mystery of the Missing Cooking Utensils

I am missing a one cup measure, a slotted spoon, and most of my teaspoons. I have written about the missing teaspoons before, but I cannot remember which blog contains the entry. I am not down to about three or four teaspoons, which is not a problem if I wash dishes every time I use one. The biggest problem is the missing measuring cup and the slotted spoon because I use those when I cook at home.

I remember using both the measuring cup and the slotted spoon on Thursday or Friday, so they have to be around the house. When I mixed up the dry milk I could not find the measuring cup or the spoon both of which I use to mix the milk. I made do with a half cup measure and a wooden spoon. The problem is that using the wooden spoon to mix the dry milk are the lumps left in the milk. When I use the slotted spoon I do not have lumps left in the milk.

Not having those items is inconvenient and makes cooking some foods difficult. I can us the half cup measure, but I prefer using the one cup when I have to mix the dry milk. On the bright side, I can use the experience of cooking without the proper equipment in a short story or a poem. I might even be able to use it in my NaNoWriMo novel in November.

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