A bird sings in Las Vegas
a bird is singing
serenading charcoal clouds
is there a slight breeze
I must have the happiest bird in Las Vegas nesting in the pine tree in my front yard. The song is sweet and beautiful, so it could be a nightingale. I know it is not a sparrow because it does not sound like one. I have only heard this bird and not seen it . I have witnessed several birds flying around the neighborhood and flitting from tree to tree.
The birds I have seen make up about three or four different species. There are sparrows nesting in one of the neighbor's oak trees. I have see a black bird of some time flying around and pigeons. I also see pair of nightingales; at least, I think they are nightingales because they do not look like any of the other birds I see and they resemble pictures of nightingales I have seen.
serenading charcoal clouds
is there a slight breeze
I must have the happiest bird in Las Vegas nesting in the pine tree in my front yard. The song is sweet and beautiful, so it could be a nightingale. I know it is not a sparrow because it does not sound like one. I have only heard this bird and not seen it . I have witnessed several birds flying around the neighborhood and flitting from tree to tree.
The birds I have seen make up about three or four different species. There are sparrows nesting in one of the neighbor's oak trees. I have see a black bird of some time flying around and pigeons. I also see pair of nightingales; at least, I think they are nightingales because they do not look like any of the other birds I see and they resemble pictures of nightingales I have seen.
Labels: bird, birds, black birds, Haibun, Haiku, Las Vegas, nightingale, sparrows

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