Monday, November 16, 2009

A 95-Pound Catfish

I subscribe to an e-mail newsletter called News of the Weird. Today it contained a story about a 95-pound blue catfish. The fish was caught Saturday by a 26 year-old Ohio man in Lake Isabella and the Harbor Manager weight it twice, just to make sure of the accuracy.

According to the article the fish fought for 35 or 40 minutes before the man pulled it in. After weighing the fish, the young man released it back into Lake Isabella. It was nice of the young man to release the catfish back into the water.

I remember my Grandfather catching catfish. Sometimes he released the fish back into the water and sometimes he kept them, cleaned them and we had fish for supper. Grandpa only kept enough fish for each of us to have one or two fish to eat at the evening meal.

Can you imagine cleaning a 95-pound catfish and then frying it? You would have to invite the entire neighborhood to the fish fry.

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