Saturday, October 25, 2008

Writing about dream fragments

I've had some rather odd dreams in the past week or so. Actually ever since Tuesday when I begin my two-mile five day a week walk. I remember fragments from the dreams, short sketches of dreamscape with my grandparents in them. Some of the dreams are about reviewing on, while others have different themes. My grandparents are the threads holding the fragments together.

In one dream, pasta was scattered along the wall inside the house. Then someone set the pasta on fire. The idea of setting the pasta on fire was to drive the roaches out of the walls. My grandfather put the fire out that climbed up the walls and nothing except the pasta burned.

I haven't been sleeping very well lately, but the dreams come in those rare moments of sleep. I have the dream, roll over in bed and the pain in my knee wakes me up. The only parts of the dreams I remember contain my grandparents. I'm not sure what any of the dreams mean, all though the one with the pasta in it sounds like a good beginning to a short story or flash fiction piece.

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