Saturday, March 22, 2008

5000 Questions Survey - Questions 226 to 250

NOTE: I answered all the questions, but lets face it some of them are outdated.

226. Have you ever said 'I hate everyone' and really meant it literally?

It's impossible to hate everyone,
because hate is an emotion that can't be applied to complete strangers.
I don't think an individual human can hate anyone he or she has never meant.

227. Why do some people want to get more money than they could ever spend?

Collecting money is like collecting any art object.
I collect Harley-Davidson items because I think they are beautiful
maybe that's why people collect more money then they can spend.

228. Have you ever won a carnival fish?

What does a carnival fish look like and how do you cook it.

229. Did it live more than a week?

If is is an animal, then yes it lived more then a week.
If it was a plant that is a completely different story,
because I'm the only person in the world that can't keep plants alive.

230. What's the best sounding accent a person can have?

Since I haven't heard every accent in the world
I don't know what the best sounding accent is.

231. What's the most boring thing you've ever read?

The instructions on how to put a bookcase together.
I never did get that bookcase together properly.

232. Do you prefer buttons or touch screens?

It depends on the circumstances.

233. Do you think there is a lot of similarity between the Harry Potter books and the Lord of the Rings series?

If you look deep enough into any group of novels
you can find similarities.

234. Would you consider yourself to be naive?

It depends on the circumstance.

235. Which of your friends is most likely to go to jail?

I have no idea and no intention of making a speculation on this.

236. What is the smallest amount of money that could be in a public toilet that would make you reach in and grab it?

Did I drop the money in the toilet or did someone else?
Because it depends on the circumstances.

237. Would you ever wear real fur?

That depends on how cold it is and what my options are.

238. Arachnophobia or Eight Legged Freaks?

I have arachnophobia
and yes it can get hilarious sometimes.

239. What are your feelings about police officers?

All the police officers I have meant are nice people
and this includes those who have given me speeding tickets.

240. what is your favorite line from a song?

Field and fountain,
moor and mountain
following yander star.

241. Is fifty dollars a lot of money?

It depends on what I have to buy.
If it's for a tank of gas
no, it's not a lot of money.

242. Do you like the band Front 242

There must be one of their songs I would like.

243. Would you rather have fame, money, or self-satisfaction?

Why can't I have all three
perhaps not at the same time,
but at different times I don't see why
I can't have all three.

244. What's your middle name?

My middle name means Prosperous.

245. What is the absolute limit, the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?

I'm 61 years old
I've did some fairly crazy things in my life for free
What does money have to do with it?

246. Are you good, evil or neutral?

I am a human being,
which means I have a dual nature
I'm attempt good.

247. Should Ebonics be considered a language?
As long as people can communicate with each other
does it matter what language they speak.

248. What color is your bedroom?What color would you like it to be?
Pale blue, but I'm usually asleep when I'm in there. If I'm asleep the color of the bedroom doesn't matter.

249. When are you planning to move to a new home?
I don't like moving
250. If you added up the cost of everything in the room with you, approximately what would it come out to be?
I have no idea


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