Saturday, October 12, 2013

Creative Saturday: Chuck Flat Steak Stew

Welcome to creative cooking with Poet999. Today I am posting my recipe for Chuck Flat Steak Stew, I thought up this recipe yesterday after I returned home from picking up some food at one of the food pantries in Las Vegas. I pick up food at this place once a month, to help supplement my food budget. I am a senior citizen and living on a tight fixed income. The food I am given here helps me eat nutritiously, while remaining within my budget.

Chuck Flat Steak Stew

2 flat chuck steaks cooked in an electric skillet
5 dashes of hot sauce on each side of each steak while they are cooking
1 medium sized red onion, diced
8 carrots washed, peeled, and sliced into small sections
84 too small to peel potatoes
6 cups of water

Once the stakes were done, I removed them from the skillet but left the drippings. I put the steaks aside so that I could slice them into smaller pieces before I add them to the vegetables when they are done to my satisfaction. I do not know how long it takes to finish this recipe because this is the first time I have made it. I also do not know how many people it will serve, but since the steaks were in a family sized package and most families are four people or more I suspect it will make two to four meals.

I turned the electric skillet back on, then I sliced and diced the onion before putting it into the skillet. Next I washed, peeled and sliced the carrots. After add the carrots I put two cups of water into the skillet. I washed the potatoes and placed them into the skillet with the carrots and onion, next I added two more cups of water and put the lid on the skillet. After that, I turned the skillet up to medium so that the veggies could cook.

When the vegetables were done, I placed the sliced meat in the skillet and then added two more cups of water. Every item I used in this recipe, except for the hot sauce, I received from one of the food pantry I went to yesterday.

I still do not know how long it took to make this dish because I did not check the clock before and after it finished cooking. It did not seem like it took very long to me, but perhaps that was because I was doing other things while the stew was cooking. I cooked the entire dish is a large, family sized electric skillet. I will freeze part of the stew so that I can have it later this week.

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