Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday Morning Writing Distractions

I encounter a multitude of distractions on Saturday morning. I think the reason is the location of my computers. One of them sits on a desk that allows me to look directly out of my living room window without difficulty. All I have to do is turn my head to the left and I am looking out the window.

The position of the desk also lets me catch movement out of the corner of my left eye. I catch a movement, I look out the window, and action until I realize I am supposed to be writing and not watching what is going on in my neighborhood.

This morning, traffic is heavier the normal. I think it is because a truck stopped in front of a house across the street. When the truck stopped, a girl run out of another house across the street with a white bag in her hand, she handed the bag to the driver and then a few minutes later the driver handed it back to her.

After he handed the bag back, she continued to stand beside the truck while they talked. Because half the street is blocked, the cars have a narrow one-way passage to go either east or west. They finally finished talking and she took the bag into the house with her.

This is one of the more unusual distractions, which I encounter on Saturday because I catch ever movement out of the corner of my left eye. The usual distractions are neighbors driving past, garbage trucks making their pick up, and people walking their dogs. Despite the distractions, I think I am going to miss this neighborhood when I move.

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