Haibun-Haiku: White Oleanders on the first day of fall
white oleanders
glisten in the morning light
mostly cloudy day
Even with the clouds covering most of the sky enough sunlight gets through to cause the white oleander blooms outside my living room window to glisten. There is a slight wind, just a small breeze rustling the oleanders and the trees. In my yard are oleanders, a pine tree, and the remains of an olive tree. The neighbor next door has an oak tree in his yard, while the neighbors across the street have pine, olive, and oak trees.
glisten in the morning light
mostly cloudy day
Even with the clouds covering most of the sky enough sunlight gets through to cause the white oleander blooms outside my living room window to glisten. There is a slight wind, just a small breeze rustling the oleanders and the trees. In my yard are oleanders, a pine tree, and the remains of an olive tree. The neighbor next door has an oak tree in his yard, while the neighbors across the street have pine, olive, and oak trees.

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