Thursday, July 19, 2012

The multitasking writer

It is easy for me to multitask because I have a slow computer. It takes two or three minutes to save a document. Then an additional two or three minutes close and to retrieve another document. This gives me time to put clothes in the washer or fold clothes in a basket.

The speed of my computer is driving me nuts. The computer seems to slow down for no apparent reason and I know there is a reason for it slowing down. The technology issues I have dealt with this week are frustrating and irritating. It wears me out just thinking about everything.

I am tired. I want to give up. However, instead of giving up, I get up from the computer and do something else for a little while. I do something physical like carrying the trash and recyclables to the garage. I also do laundry, wash dishes, sweep and mop floors. The problem is there are just so many floors I can sweep or mop. I do not get an entire floor swept or mopped before going back to the computer to work and become frustrated.

I think I will try to clean the hard drive off this coming week. Most of the stuff on my hard drive I can either move to another disk, print, or discard. Doing those things might help speed up the computer. Of course, there is no guarantee of that, but it is worth a try. I will still be a multitasking writer, but at least I will be doing something that might help increase my computer’s speed.

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