Haibun a combination of poetry and prose
Haibun is a Japanese method of journaling, an ancient tradition of combining prose and poetry. When writing a haibun entry the writer write one or two prose paragraphs about a subject and then writes a stanza of haiku about the subject.
Writing syllables
three lines of enlightenment
prose and poetry.
I've attempted to make some haibun entries in this and my other blogs. I'm not sure how good a job I'm doing, but I'm working on improving my haibun entries.
Perfection comes with
practice, stubborn persistence
a blogger must blog.
Writing syllables
three lines of enlightenment
prose and poetry.
I've attempted to make some haibun entries in this and my other blogs. I'm not sure how good a job I'm doing, but I'm working on improving my haibun entries.
Perfection comes with
practice, stubborn persistence
a blogger must blog.

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