Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy and Grateful Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving day in the United States. It's a day to give thanks for the things we have and the people we love. Sometimes it's difficult to give thanks when the world is crashing down around you. It's during difficult times that gratitude is most important because it's at those times when we find gratitude changes our attitude. Gratitude turns negative events into positive lessons.

No human being can get through life without experiencing bad or negative events. That doesn't mean we have to focus on them because focusing on the negative attracts it into our lives. The more one focuses on the negative the more negative events one encounters. Gratitude is a positive, a spiritual, emotion which attract positive events into our lives. When things get bad that is the time to sit down and write a gratitude list.

Thursday is normally the time people sit down to write their "Thankful Thursday" list, but a gratitude list can be composed any day of the week or any time of day. A gratitude list usually contains; however, you don't have to limit the list to ten any more then you have to list ten things or events. If you think you have only one or two things to be thankful for then put those items on your list. Once you begin focusing on gratitude you will find that the number of things increase as the days, weeks, months, and years pass.

This year we look at world events and tremble in our shoes thinking that we have nothing to be thankful for. That isn't true, no matter what is happening in the world we can always find something to be thankful for. As individuals we can't let world events sometimes overshadow our gratitude because it's at these times we need to find positive things to be grateful for. The reason is that gratitude helps us overcome depression.

I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

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