Thursday, August 01, 2013

Thankful Thursday: A Writer's Gratitude list

On this first Thankful Thursday in August, I am grateful...

  1. that I saw a bird flying back to its nest in a neighbor's oak tree;
  2. that the scattered clouds in the blue sky above las Vegas suggest a patchwork quilt;
  3. that a gentle breeze is blowing through the neighborhood trees;
  4. that the bright sunshine is casting deep and dark shadows across the sidewalk;
  5. that I have a glass of iced coffee to drink while I am making this entry;
  6. that I woke up in a positive mood this morning instead of being depressed;
  7. that the American flag in front of my neighbor's house is blowing in the morning breeze;
  8. that Dr.Seuss wrote "Green Eggs and Ham";
  9. that I still have some oranges left for my lunch today;
  10. that everywhere I look I see a subject for a poem.

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