Wind in Las Vegas
The wind blew all night
Pulling at the limbs of trees
Knocking things over
The wind made some terrible noises last night. It sound like it was tearing my fence down and ripping the limbs off trees. When I looked into my back yard, the fence still stood all though one of the oleanders appeared to be damaged. I doubt the wind did more the rip a few limbs off, but the bush doesn't look good this morning.
Pulling at the limbs of trees
Knocking things over
The wind made some terrible noises last night. It sound like it was tearing my fence down and ripping the limbs off trees. When I looked into my back yard, the fence still stood all though one of the oleanders appeared to be damaged. I doubt the wind did more the rip a few limbs off, but the bush doesn't look good this morning.
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