Every night, I have the same routine
Daily Writing Practice Prompt for Tuesday, July 28, 2009: “Every night, ...”
Every night, I go through the same routine before going to bed. I check the sliding glass doors to make sure both locks are in place. I check the front door to make sure the screen is locked and then the inside door to make sure it is locked. I make sure my keys are laying where I can get to them if I need to unlock the doors in an emergency.
I check to make sure both the front porch light and the patio light are on. Then I make sure the inside lights, which we turn off are off. We leave some of the lights inside the house on, so I make sure those are on.
My routine is getting monotonous, so I am going to have to make some changes. I think I will start going outside to make sure my car doors are locked. I normally do that when I get out of the car, but checking the locks again is a good idea. While I am outside, I can look up at the sky. This is Las Vegas, so the only thing I will probably see is the Metro helicopter flying over.
Labels: Las Vegas, writing practice, Writing prompts

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