Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How to achieve a daily word count goal

‘Idál (Justice), 1 Asma (Names), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, August 20, 2008 about 4:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Question: How do I achieve my daily word count goal?

Answer: I write!
I put one letter after another to form a word.
I put one word after another for form a phrase.
I put one phrase after another to form a sentence.
I put one sentence after another to form a paragraph.
I put one paragraph after another for form a story.

My daily word count goal is 2,500 to 5,000 words. I set my goal period to nineteen days, which is a little over two week. At the end of those nineteen days, I reevaluate the goal. If I did not achieved the goal, I look at the reasons. If I achieved the goal, I consider raising it by 19% or more.

I do not reevaluate the goal before the end of the period. Then I evaluate my success or failure concerning the goal. I ask myself three questions:
  1. Is there a valid reason I did not achieve the goal? This concerns technical difficulties such as power outs. There are other valid reason and these concern physical problems.
  2. Was the goal too ambitious or not ambitious enough? A goal should be high enough to push my abilities, but not so high that achievement is impossible.
  3. Do I need to break the goal into smaller portions to achieve? Instead of writing the entire 2,500 or 5,000 words, I break it down by dividing it between projects that I have to work on each day.

I ask those questions of myself right now, all though they may change. Once I have achieved the goal every day for a specified time, then I increase the goal. Sometimes achieving this is difficult, but it is not impossible. I just have to work around my weakness. I have overcome perceived limitations.

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