Wednesday, November 29, 2006


7 Qawl 163 B.E. - November 29, 2006

You are closer to me than my atrial artery,
while I,
am farther from You than the Universe’s recede edge.

Alone in my room I read the verse of Your love,
weep because of the distance between us,
with considering how close You are to me.

Forgive me my distance,
bring be back to the warm embrace
of Your star,
but You are near to me
I am the one who has chosen the distance.

Parsec by parsec,
prayer by prayer,
I seek to close the light years
that separates me from You.

You beckon to me
call to me across the darkness,
I see Your bright star
I speed toward the gravity
of my soul’s only home.

I come,
I come leaving behind all,
but the joy of seeing your light,
of feeling the warm of presence.
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